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Division 1 - Southern Methodist University, Cal Poly - San Luis Obispo.

Division 2 - Southwest State, Western New Mexico,

Division 3 - Mount Ida.

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Q: What team are called mustangs in college football?
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Who was number 5 for the montabella mustangs football team in 2011?

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The Hogwired website is dedicated to the Arkansas Razorbacks college football team. They are called the Razorbacks since 1909 when their coach called the team "a wild band of Razorback hogs" after a memorable victory.

2 21 11 the show was about teen prisoners forming a football team called the mustangs with coach Dwayne Johnson it was just plyed on fox and the show ended around one what was the show's name?

Dwayne Johnson played the football coach of the Mustangs in The Gridiron Gang.

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It does not have a football team. It is not an academic college with students and lecturers and a campus.

What can adding a football team do for a division 3 college?

it can give a college a division 3 football team

What college football team is called the U?

The University of Utah (Utes).

Are the Oklahoma sooners a college team?

Yes they are a college football team.