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Q: What swedish hockey player scored 50 goals in a season?
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Related questions

Has a hockey player ever scored a goal in every game for the season?

No, no NHL player has ever scored a goal in every game of the season.

Who is the hockey player that scored more goals than any one in one season?

The great one

Who scored the most goals this hockey season?

Alex Ovechkin

Who has scored the most 50 goals in a hockey season?

Wayne Gretzky.

Who was the first person to ever get 50 goals in one whole season?

Any 3 goals, or more, scored by the same player in one hockey game is called a hat trick. Unofficially, 6 goals by the same player in one hockey game is called a double hat trick, but is a rarely accomplished feat in professional hockey.

What is the record for points scored in one hockey season?

Wayne Gretzky scored 52 goals and put up an amazing 163 assists for the Edmonton Oilers during the 85'-86' season. 215 pts stands as the most points scored in a single season.

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Scored in every Premier League season?

Ryan Giggs is the only player to have scored in every premier league season

What child scored the most goals in one season for hockey?

This Guy! Of course, it would be this stranger you don't know of who scored over 600 goals per season while playing with his friends!

What national hockey league rookie scored most goals?

In the 1992/93 season, Teemu Selanne scored 76 goals for the Winnipeg Jets.

What is the minimum wage for a pro hockey player?

If by pro hockey player you mean an NHL hockey player then $500, 000 for the 2010-2011 season. source www.

Can a hockey player be traded twice in one season?
