There are about 190 miles between Arlington, TX and Cherokee, TX.
Arlington, TX is located in Tarrant county.
The distance between Waco TX and Arlington TX is about 102 road miles.
From Arlington, TX to Austin, TX: about 279km (137mi).
Arlington, TX.
At the University of Texas, in Arlington, TX
Arlington's area is 63,803 acres.
Arlington, TX is located in Tarrant county.
There is 162 miles from Killeen, TX to Arlington, TX. The drive would take someone about 2 hours and 54 minutes if they drive up I-35.
Arlington, TX is 158 miles from Killeen, TX which turns into about a 2 hour and 39 minute drive taking I-35W and S.
The driving distance between Dallas, TX and Arlington, TX is approximately 20 miles.