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The Texans looked to their state flag as a means of choosing their team's color scheme.

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Q: What state's flag inspired the colors for the Houston Texans?
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What did Sam Houston do that made the Texans unhappy?

Houston, who was governor of Texas at the time, opposed the state's decision to secede from the United States and join the Confederate States of America in 1861. He was removed from office on March 16, 1861 because he refused to take a loyalty oath to the Confederacy.

Why was Sam Houston elected president?

He was a hero of the Revolutionary Texans, a shrewd and popular politician and a recognized Founding Father with proven abilities and strong contacts with the United States.

What was Sam Houston known for?

Sam Houston was known for leading the revenge attack on the Mexicans after they attacked the Alamo. He also captured President Santa Anna, who was leading the Mexicans, and made him sign a treaty to stop all war and make the Texans free. Later on, he was elected a United States senator.

What are some reasons the US started the Mexican American war?

Because the United States wanted the texan terretory and texans were at war with the mexicans so the united states helped the texans.

Why did the Texans fight in the Civil War?

Texas was a slave state, and Texan slave owners wanted to keep it that way despite the efforts of Sam Houston to keep Texas in the Union. For Texans who did not own slaves, it was simply the patriotic thing to do, just as it was in the Southern states and the Northern states. Even if they had little or no sympathy for the cause, their state was at war, and many men fought for the honor of their particular state once it had chosen one side or the other.

Why did Texans fight the civil war?

Texas was a slave state, and Texan slave owners wanted to keep it that way despite the efforts of Sam Houston to keep Texas in the Union. For Texans who did not own slaves, it was simply the patriotic thing to do, just as it was in the Southern states and the Northern states. Even if they had little or no sympathy for the cause, their state was at war, and many men fought for the honor of their particular state once it had chosen one side or the other.

What did Texans feel about Abraham Lincoln?

At first, Texans didn't really like him, but by the end of the civil war, us Texans loved good ole Honest Abe. THERE WERE NO TEXANS BACK THEN! CORRECTION: There most certainly were Texans back then!!!! Texas was the 7th of the 11 states to secede from the Union. Texans did not like Lincoln. He opposed slavery, while Texans (along with many other southern states) felt slavery was necessary to sustain their economy, which depended heavily on farming and ranching. When Lincoln won the election, he received ZERO votes from Texas. His name was not even on the ballot.

Which country is Houston in?

Houston is located in the United States, specifically in the state of Texas.

What did Texans believe should be done to solve the republic's problems?

join the united states

Drive Calgary to Houston?

Yes, Calgary is in Canada and Houston in the United States.

What is the province of Houston?

The city of Houston is not in a province. Provinces are in Canada. Houston is a city in the southwestern part of the United States.

What United States city produces most of the egg rolls sold in grocery stores in the United States?

Houston, Texas