In the financial industry, sometimes your bonus matters much more than your salary. It's possible for a bonus to double what you make in a year.
But as for salary, according to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics ...
Median annual earnings of financial analysts were $57,100 in 2002. The middle 50 percent earned between $43,660 and $76,620. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $34,570, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $108,060. Median annual earnings in the industries employing the largest numbers of financial analysts in 2002 were as follows:
Median annual earnings of personal financial advisors were $56,680 in 2002. The middle 50 percent earned between $36,180 and $100,540. Median annual earnings in the industries employing the largest number of personal financial advisors in 2002 were as follows:
Many financial analysts receive a bonus in addition to their salary, and the bonus can add substantially to their earnings. Usually, the bonus is based on how well their predictions compare to the actual performance of a benchmark investment. Personal financial advisors who work for financial services firms are generally paid a salary plus bonus. Advisors who work for financial-planning firms or who are self-employed either charge hourly fees for their services or charge one set fee for a comprehensive plan, based on its complexity. Advisors who manage a client�s assets usually charge a percentage of those assets. A majority of advisors receive commissions for financial products they sell, in addition to charging a fee.
The salary that a Certified Nursing Assistant can expect will vary depending on many factors including where they are employed, and how much experience they have. As a rough estimate, a CNA can expect to earn anywhere from $18,000-$30,000. The median job salary is $22,600 annually.
The IMF is sort of a "United Nations of Financial Diplomacy."
It would be recommended that you ask the school; this sort of information is not publicly available. An average teacher, in case you are wondering, has a starting salary of around $30,000.
To get a job as a budget analyst one would need skills in software such as Excel and Microsoft Suite and Power Point, accounting and mathematical skills acquired though education and certification.
Dental hygienists usually make around $30,000 as a starting salary. The starting salary is not really that good, but it does offer a stable sort of employment.
If you are interested in structured finance, there are many career options available to you. Some possible career choices include business analyst, credit and portfolio risk management, senior credit analyst, senior credit risk executive and corporate finance analyst. The type of career you choose depends on your education and experience.
Get a job of some sort. That's really the only way to "quickly" earn money for a horse.
Government is an actor within a financial system and sometimes they create the financial system but government is not by itself a financial system unless there are not free markets of any sort.
Financial Liberalization refers to deregulation of domestic financial market and liberalization of the capital account.
A Broadway actor's salary varies, depending on his/her name-recognition, importance of the role, etc. For a rough estimate, the weekly salary is $1500 for an ensemble member or minor character. For an extremely well-known actor in a lead role, the weekly salary can be as much as $40,000. This sort of sum, however, is very rare. Many leading actors with little fame are paid between $5,000 and $10,000/week.
It first depends on what sort of doctor you are, usually it is on hours but if you have children and have to finish your shift at a certain time then you get paid by salary
Underwriters in the financial business serve to evaluate financial information in order to assess whether or not a company should take certain financial risks. Underwriters are a sort of insurance for larger financial companies.