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Great hands, stop shots, concentration and be able to verbally organise the defense. Being tall helps but it is not essential, the most important job of a goal keeper is to keep the ball out of the net and as long as you find a way to help achieve that goal is doesn't matter if your 5-8, 6-8 or 7-8

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Q: What skills are needed to be a great soccer goalie?
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Are soccer camps good exercise for someone overweight?

Soccer Camps are great exercise for someone who is overweight. Soccer is a very active sport in which you are always moving and running. The only position that doesn't really get any exercise is the goalie.

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A great deal of money and support was needed.

Is 5 feet 8 inches a good height for a Goalkeeper at 14?

when i played soccer at 11 i was goalie and i was only about 5 foot a girl btw so ability for boys to be a better goalie than me is a great possibility so i thnk your good

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What are the six basic sports skills?

Well, it is different for different sports. For example, if you are doing soccer, three skills are receiving the ball, passing, and shooting the ball. Some sports and also needed in soccer, you'd need speed. But not all sports need speed. For example, squash. Well, you kinda do need speed. But not that much. You just have to know how to go back and forth the court and have arm stregth to hit the ball as in tennis. This may not be the six basic sports skill, but hopefully it will help.

How do you become the best soccer goalie?

Being a soccer goalie requires lots of training. A lot of watching game tap to learn to read players. You must know every position on the field so you can anticipate. You have to some natural gifts like quick reactions. It is one of the easiest postions to be good at but the hardest to be great at. P.S. you also have to be crazy and willing to get kicked, run over, hit, and many other physical abuses to play.

How do you become a great hockey goalie?

Practice my friend, Practice.

What is the most awesome sport in the world?

Soccer is the best sport. You are less likely to get a severe injury, you can use your hands (goalie), feet, head, and other parts of your body, there aren't as many confusing rules, and you don't have to be in great shape to play!

Where is the largest soccer camp in the USA?

The largest soccer camp is a camp called Brandon's Soccer United. It is owned by a player named Brandon Case who played on Manchester United, and has great skills. If you would like to find out information about that camp please go to:

Where can one learn the skills necessary to work at a public relations agency?

There are many skills needed to work at a public relations agency. One of the great ways to learn the skills is to intern at a public relations agency.

How do you enter a soccer team in major league soccer?

You have to get recruited if your a great soccer player