There are children size balls, than women's and then men's so it depends on weather your asking about men or women.
The size 6 Basketball is designed for girls/ women, and is required to be 28.5 inches in circumference. Size 6 basketballs are also used in college and the WNBA.
The sizes of a high school basketballs are: size 7/ 29.5 inches (74.9 cm) for boys and size 6/ 28.5 inches (72.4 cm.) for girls.
size 29
12 playas
A standard high school court is 84 feet by 50 feet.
That depends what school you are going to and if your school has a gym.
Throughout middle school, high school, college and professional basketball, the backboards are the same size. They are also the same distance off of the floor at 10 feet.
If your a TRUE basketball player, you should automatically be able to tell if it is a 29.5 (size 7) basketball, BUT, if not, you can ask the person in the store, or it should say size 7 somewhere on the ball.
The regulation size for basketball nets are all the same at ten feet. The regulation for high school, college, and the NBA/WNBA use nets that are ten feet high.
A standard High School court is 84' long x 50' wide Junior High is 74' L x 42'W
most are the same but it depends in what distric and type of basketball your school plays.
yep, but then he became the best at basketball in the world.