Atticus Dean Mitchell is a young teenage boy who starred in the comedy/drama television series My Babysitter's a Vampire as Benny Weir. In this show he is a geek/nerd, friends with Matthew Knight as Ethan and Cameron Keneddy as Rory. And has also starred in the comedy television series How To Be Indie as Carlos Martinelli. In this show he is a kid in high school that makes bad things happen to good people.
Atticus mitchell is in Disney and teletoons My baby sitters a vampire as "benny wier"
The actor who played Benny Weir in the TV show "My Babysitter's a Vampire" is Atticus Mitchell.
Atticus Mitchell was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
atticus mitchell was born in 1993.
Atticus Mitchell is right-handed.
Atticus Dean Mitchell is 5 foot 11 inches.
It is unclear if Atticus Mitchell and Vanessa Morgan have kissed in real life, as their relationship status is not publicly known. However, they played love interests in the TV show "My Babysitter's a Vampire."
No, the actor and musician Atticus Dean Mitchell of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, is not Italian.
what is atticus mitchell phone number
Atticus Dean Mitchell is a young actor who was born in Toronto, Canada. He has appeared in several shows including the movie and TV series My Babysitter's a Vampire. He doesn't mention what his favorite TV show is but he enjoys watching the Disney Channel.
Yes, Atticus Dean Mitchell was in a band called Fishwives before his acting career began.