what do you fancy eating
He has a cup of tea.
it is time tea should be taken or tea to be taken.
Yes, you should go get some tea right now! Tea is a wonderful alternative. Tea also helps the metabolism and it assist in healthy nail and hair growth.
Yes, "Bergamot tea" should be capitalized because Bergamot is a proper noun referring to a specific type of tea made with extracts from the bergamot orange.
It should be, "you prefer coffee to tea".
No, because the odors in the refrigerator can contaminate the loose tea.
No, but kids should not drink too much tea.
Usually I do around four tea bags for each quart of tea. It varies. If you are making iced tea, it will require more tea bags to be used.
After steeping 3 minutes in near-boiling water, black tea should be about 85 C. White or green tea should be served between 74 and 85 C.
Essiac tea is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women. Also people with kidney disease should not use essiac. The tea contains oxalic acid which can contribute to the formation of kidney stones.