Well, start with the basics.Your gunna need to get a helmet, which they're is a variety of companies to choose from Schutt would be my personal favorite company but Riddel is also an outstanding award winning company.Once you have that your going to need shoulder pads which are sized up to fit your shoulder width. When you have that you will need leg pads, Thigh pads (2), Tailbone pad (1), Hip pads (2) and Knee Pads (2). Once you have that's you can also get additive things to add to your equipment. If you play offense I recommend wearing a back plate which attaches directly onto your shoulder pads (Douglas) is my personal favorite brand for rib and back pads.Also a QB should wear full rib pads to protect from face masks to the ribs.Line backers ( generally middle) can get a butterfly restrictor to protect from straining your neck. Wear a mouth piece to protect your teeth and wear a hard cup chin guard.
You can also wear a number of braces, for knees, arms, wrists, biceps and of course the killer, ankles.
Yes you do.
To protect them from injuries.
you can wear safety glasses when sanding and cutting wood.
casual clothes are fine, safety gear included (gloves, safety glasses, etc.) and no loose clothing.
moth gard,cothes,shin pads
Never saw the gear wear out. Distributor shaft and bushings, yes. Look for side to side play on the shaft. There should be no play.
Hot oil spatters can cause permanent injury to your eyes.
Yes you can.
They protect the head, shoulders, chest, hips, groin, quads and knees. This is the basic protection offered by most football equipment. Depending on the position tou play, you may wear more or less.
In any sport, it is important to wear the right gear for safety, comfort, and performance. Appropriate gear can help prevent injuries, provide support, and enhance your abilities while participating in the sport. Make sure to wear gear that is specifically designed for the sport you are engaging in to optimize your experience.
Wear all of your safety gear and a good helmet, and do go too fast.