Queer, beer, peer, near, shear, hear, fear, deer, leer, jeer, career, hear, steer, we're, goodyear, ear, year, gear, peer, rear, seer, veer, sear, mere, near, rear, tear, we're
Mirrors, beers, jeers, fears, hears, leers, peers, rears, tears, years.
right cheers
weakly, like not strong or weekly, like once a week Good luck. Cheers.
The saying is typically "Cheers to you, figgy pudding too!" This is a playful and festive phrase often heard during the holiday season.
mears clears cheers beer feer spears BRITNEY SPEARS!BeerBierCheerClearDearFearHearHereJeerLeerMereNearPeerPierQueerRearRevereSeerSteerTearVeer
thanks cheers thanks cheers thanks cheers
Slancha is an anglicisation. In Irish it's "Sláinte", it means "cheers"
Sláinte~ Cheers
The duration of Cheers is 1440.0 seconds.
Cheers Then was created in 1982-01.
"Cheers" is what you say in Britain!