On 24 June 2008, Olbermann said on Countdown that he was "raised in the Unitarian faith". Wikipedia states that he was brought up Lutheran but is assumed to be non-practicing. He has made the sign of the cross over himself in the Roman Catholic style at least once on Countdown, over the remains of the buried Boston shirt under the new Yankee Stadium. My opinion is that his real religion is Baseball. Keith, any comment?
Keith Olbermann was born on January 27, 1959.
Keith Olbermann was born on January 27, 1959.
The duration of Countdown with Keith Olbermann is 3600.0 seconds.
Countdown with Keith Olbermann was created on 2003-03-31.
Keith Olbermann is 58 years old (birthdate: January 27, 1959).
As of 2014 it is estimated that Keith Olbermann has a net worth of 35 million dollars. Olbermann is a well-know political and sports commentator.
Keith Olbermann's height is 6 ft 3.5 in (192 cm)
Sam Sader
He makes 7.5 million a year.
He has never married and has no children.
The Daily Show - 1996 Keith Olbermann 1-115 was released on: USA: 16 April 1997