rasheed Wallace was born on September 17, 1974
His MySpace profile lists his religion as Catholic
Rasheed Wallace was born on September 17, 1974.
Rasheed Wallace was born on September 17, 1974.
rasheed Wallace was born on September 17, 1974
Rasheed Wallace is 36 years old (birthdate: September 17, 1974).
No Rasheed Wallace is not in 2k11 because he retired in 2011. If he was in 2k11 he would have been on the Celtics roster
My guess is rasheed wallace. I know he always gets techs. My guess is rasheed wallace. I know he always gets techs. My guess is rasheed wallace. I know he always gets techs.
No, they are not. No Wallaces that are in the NBA are related.
No, he doesn't