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depending on the position Rugby players need many different characteristics in order to to perform at the highest level:

Frontrow; all need to be heavy and hard to move with wide sholders. All need to be fairly squat with powerfull legs to drive in the scrum and rucks. Hookers need to be more agile then props, these days hookers are lean and muscular but similar weight to that of a back rower, they need sharp minds and skill with ball in hand. Some one like Szarzewski has the ideal build.

Second row; need to be the tallest players on the pitch as they are usually lifted in line outs and their height gives them excellent leaverage in scrums when driving. It is usefully if they are aggressive, and powerful but to be honest their specific jobs don't require much jsut someone tall and strong. Never the less the second rows must be able tocarry th bll ruck and tackle just as well as anyone else on the pitch.

Backrow; usually about 6ft- 6ft6 is the range of the average back rowers. Thwy must all be keen ball cariers and physically capable of making it over the gain line, this requires powerful legs and a strong upper body combined with a decent amount of weight to provide the moementum.

Scrum half; often the smallest player on the pitch, physical requirements are power ful sholders chest lats and arms as the scrum half must be able to pass overgreat distances when needed, it is also usefull if they have quick feet and powerful legs to jink out of any situations when a 6ft 7 second row is chagring towards them.

Flyhalf; physically doesnt require much muscle as the flyhalf controlls the movement of the ball, this means kicking for territory and exploiting a 3 on two are his areas of expertise, although they do not physically require much muscle it is usefull in defense and when he decides to take a chance on his own

Inside centre; needs to be big fairly tall but muscley and powerful in order to take the crash balls off ten. He also needs strong legs in order to build moementum an aintain seed

Outside centre, needs to be more mobile then the inside as they usually exploit gaps and holes leftby wingers therefore they can be less big but just as powerful and quick

Wing; depending on te tye o wingr you need then they can be a number fo different types, forexample typicaly thyare small but quick and jinky able to move their own body wegh extremly well where as someone like jonah lomu was 6 ft 5 and didn't bother tryingto get around them simply run over them mch like banahan these days.

Full back requires the same physicall presence as a outside centre, only they liek to run around a bit mro ad show off so more orless same shape jsut dfferent types of ply

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Physical attributes depend on the position you play/wish to play. Props need to be stocky, thickset guys with a lot of upper body strength making them hard to shift in scrums. Hookers are usually a similar build to props but tend to be slightly quicker and more agile than their front row counterparts to make those darting little runs, they need strong arms to hold their props close. 2nd rows/Locks are more often than not the line-out catchers so they would need to be the tallest guys in the team, they are good ball carriers and are able to take big strides. The back row differs slightly but one thing is for certain - they are the fastest forwards! Speed and strength are the trademarks of the flanker and a good "pick and drive" is always valued from the No8. Scrum halves are the link between the backs and the forwards so good communication skills are a must for this little guy and accurate passing is his main priority. The Fly Half/Outside half needs to be the cleverest player in the team, like a Chess player he always needs to plan his attack in advance so an arsenal of passing, running and kicking abilities make the number 10 a dangerous man. The centres are the ones who run through the opposition and make the big hits, for this role you need to be strong, fast, skillful, committed, focused and brave, not a position for the faint hearted. To be a winger it doesn't matter how tall, short, heavy or skillful you are you need just one thing - speed! If your a fast guy then get the 11 or 14 jersey on your back because these guys are the try scorers, although this can be a particularly lonely position for most of the time a good winger will go looking for work and will pop up from anywhere on the field. Fullbacks are the last line of defence so they need to be good tacklers, good counter attackers, good runners, catching abilities and a hefty boot is always appreciated by his fellow team mates. Other than that the right attitude, self belief and confidence in your team are important factors because rugby is a game for the determined and strong willed.

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mental and physical qualities

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