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Several, BUT Dave Winfield was drafted by four teams in three different sports. The San Diego Padres selected him as an outfielder with the fourth overall pick in the MLB draft and both the Atlanta Hawks (NBA) and the Utah Stars (ABA) drafted him. And even though he never played College Football, the Minnesota Vikings selected Winfield in the 17th round of the NFL draft. He remains the only athlete to be drafted by three professional sports

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Michael Jordan played both professional Basketball in the NBA and professional Baseball in the MLB.

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i only know one which is Michal Jordan he plays basket ball and tried to play baseball in which he sucked at

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Q: What professional athletes played in more than one sport?
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Water polo is an all round competitive sport, but it can also be fun. It all depends on the level of competition you would want, the higher the level the more physically fit you have to be and you'll be expected to preform at that level. Being a polo player myself I feel that water polo is more of a professional sport because the only people that play it their whole lives are the ones who love the sport. People who give up polo later in their lives were probably just looking for some fun. Plus take the Olympics for example; olympic polo consists of high performance athletes on a Professional level of competition. ---- Both. Europe has professional leagues. It is played a a amateur level around the world.

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Yes, soccer is by far the most played sport in the world, with hundreds of thousands of professional players.

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Swimming athletes make 10g a year sports track only makes 1 paeso a year

Do professional athletes have to have another job besides playing their sport?

Professional athletes do not have to have another job in addition to playing their sport, however, a successful professional athlete quite often will want to cash in on his or her fame by working as a celebrity sponsor, in the advertising business. It is often possible to earn much more money in that capacity, than as an athlete. Fame opens up various opportunities. Some athletes have gone into politics, written books, sold lines of clothing, etc. They don't have to, but they often want to.It depends on the level of professional sports they are playing. MLB players make more than enough money that they don't have to have another job. Players at the farm teams and some of the other leagues may have to supplement their income, particularly during the off season.

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The Airforce Academy is the college for future Air Force officers. The cadets that are athletes at the Air Force Academy will have to fulfill their commitment to the Air Force before becoming professional athletes. This means they typically have to serve four or more years.

Why does an athlete need to eat more protein?

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How many people work in sport?

More than 400,000 people work in the sport and recreation industries. Among these there are managers, athletes, and groundsmen who ensure that the pool is safe.