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Both Andrew Jackson and Herbert Hoover lost their parents when they were young.

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Q: What president was an orphan?
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Which president was a orphan when he was 9 years old and a millionare by time he was president?

Herbert Hoover

What president parents died and made him orphan?

Why won't you ask the magical person which is your dad.

Which president was a orphan at age 9?

Herbert Hoover was raised as a Quaker and became an orphan when he was nine years old. -Mi9

What is the proper English word for the Bengali word champak?

Orphan Orphan Orphan Orphan

Who was the only president to be an orphan?

Both Andrew Jackson , at age 14, and Herbert Hoover, at age 9, were orphans.

Is Jim Burden an orphan?

an orphan

Is Bill Clinton an orphan?

No, bill is not an orphan

What is the stress syllable in the word orphan?


What did Annie came out?

"Annie" is a story set in the era of 1930s (around the time when Franklin D. Roosevelt was President of the US), and is about a little girl who goes from being an orphan in a orphan home for girls, to becoming adopted by a very wealthy millionare tycoon.

What is the passive voice of let the orphan be loved?

Let the orphan be loved by someone.

What is abstract noun of orphan?

It's a noun.Example:He is an orphan.He is the subject and is is the verb. Therefore, since orphan is a predicate nominative, it must be a noun.

What do you call a child with no parents?

A child with no parents is called an orphan. If they are taken in by foster parents, they are orphaned, or they could be put into an orphanage.So to answer your question, a child with no parents is called an orphan.