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There are three postitions in ultimate Frisbee. They include:

Handler- This person does most of the throwing/pulling for the team. They stay up front and are ready to quickly grab the disc and throw it.

Midfielder- As the name says, this person stays in the middle and cuts left and right to try to get open so the handler can throw to him/her. If possible, this person does want to get the disc back to the handler if they make a catch.

Long- This person mainly stays in the back and is ready to make a big sprint to catch a long throw, or "huck."

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

to block throws from coming through to the longs. mids must stay in the midfield, in front of the longs but behind the thrower (XOX mids are the O's)

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