RS stands for right side hitter. Usually right side hitters are lefties (left-handers).
Well from what I am thinking about. RS is an abbreviation of Right Side, which is a position in volleyball. Right side has the responsibility of being secondary setter on the court most of the time, and have to block the other team's outside hitter. This is also where most left handed hitters are placed to hit.
Volleyball is a fun game to play after learning some of the rules and lingo such as RS. This stands for right side hitter.
The "op" is short for "opposite". Most of the time, it's seen as "Opp", or "RS", which is short for "Right Side" because opposite and right side is the same position.
every single position on a volleyball court serves. there is no specific serving position
Volleyball does not have a quarterback position.
a spike
Ds, oh, rs, lb, rb, lb ,st
Every position in volleyball does serve. ---- All players rotate a clockwise direction therefore every player will ultimately have to serve
Carrie Walsh doesn't really have a technical position because it's sand volleyball and there's only two people playing, so there really is no position
Position #1
the same that serves in tennis