Mark Melancon was born on 1985-03-28.
MLB player Mark Melancon is 6'-02''.
MLB player Mark Melancon was born in Arvada, CO.
MLB player Mark Melancon bats right.
MLB player Mark Melancon throws right.
MLB player Mark Melancon weighs 215 pounds.
Mark Melancon is number 35 on the Pittsburgh Pirates.
As of the 2014 MLB season, Mark Melancon is 29 years old.
MLB player Mark Melancon made $2595000 in the 2014 season.
Mark Melancon was born March 28, 1985, in Wheat Ridge, CO, USA.
Mark Melancon debuted on April 26, 2009, playing for the New York Yankees at Yankee Stadium III; he played his final game on September 28, 2013, playing for the Pittsburgh Pirates at PNC Park.
Mark Melancon is 6 feet 2 inches tall. He weighs 215 pounds. He bats right and throws right.