Edgar Renteria currently plays short stop for the San Francisco Giants.
Buster Posey currently plays catcher for the San Francisco Giants.
Edgar Renteria
Freddy Sanchez currently play 2nd base for the San Francisco Giants.
Juan Uribe currently plays 3rd base for the San Francisco Giants.
George Foster, Edgar Renteria.
Brandon Belt is the starting first baseman for the San Francisco Giants.
Tim Lincecum who currently plays for the San Francisco Giants.
It was San Francisco Giants shortstop Edgar Renteria, who batted .412 (7-for-17) with two home runs, six RBI and six runs scored.
No, he did not. Edgar Renteria has played for the Marlins, Cardinals, Red Sox, Braves, Tigers, Giants and Reds.
Edgar Renteria played in 123 games at short stop for the San Francisco Giants in 2009, starting in 121 of them. He played for a total of 3215 outs, equivalent to 119.07 9-inning games. He made 161 putouts, had 299 assists, and committed 14 errors, equivalent to .118 errors per 9-inning game. He had 63 double plays.
Edgar Renteria played in 68 games at short stop for the San Francisco Giants in 2010, starting in 62 of them. He played for a total of 1659 outs, equivalent to 61.44 9-inning games. He made 80 putouts, had 149 assists, and committed 4 errors, equivalent to .065 errors per 9-inning game. He had 27 double plays.
San Francisco Giants shortstop Edgar Renteria, who batted .412 (7-for-17) with two home runs, six RBI and six runs scored.