LeBron James plays for the Cleveland Cavaliers and he can play almost all the positions except center. Now that Mo Williams is out he has been playing point guard for a little bit. And then sometimes he will play the power forward if they need him to.
small forward
No, Lebron James is a small forward. But he can play every position he is the best player in the world and can be the best point guard if he wants to play that position.
LeBron James usually plays forward for the Cleveland Cavaliers.
lebron positions is Small Foward but he can play the power position because he so strong an talented
Small Forward
does lebron james play violin
lebron positions is Small Foward but he can play the power position because he so strong an talented
does LeBron James play violin
Lebron james should play football he is definetly good enough
LeBron James did not play College Basketball. he went from High School to the NBA.
Dwayne Wade plays Shooting Gaurd = SG LeBron James plays Small Forward = SF Just had to add what LeBron Played in there