Like pickles and cheese!
Because they are as big as pickles
Which distance is shorter, Africa to South America or Africa to Australia
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Some people like sweet pickles. Some people prefer the sour pickles. Some like both.
Well like any other people who like pickles, she likes them for their taste. When she was 10, during the summer all she ate was pickles and ice pops.
No he likes onion pickles
They are born liking pickles or not
No. For one thing, Pickles was not born in the US and so can not be US president. Also, America revolted from British rule in 1776 and very few want to go back to that. Finally, it seems probable that a majority of US voters like Obama's programs well enough to return him to office. Obama supporters are not likely to favor the conservative views of Pickles.
They are excellent, try the Bread and Butter pickles if you like sweet pickles, relish is great also.
Because it looks and smells like a pickle.
jar jar likes pickles pickles D=