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Q: What percent of cheerleaders end up in the hospital?
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Did rachel end up in the hospital in glee?

Why would she end up in the hospital

Why does grams end up in the hospital?

Grams ends up in the hospital because a poisonous water moccasin bit her.

Does rachael end up in the hospital in glee?

As of Episode 20 of Season 5, no, she has not ended up in the hospital yet.

What happens if i eat sunblock?

You end up in the hospital.

How did wee man end up in the hospital?

He is in the hospital because he supposedly head butted a bowling ball.

What do push ups do for cheerleaders?

cheerleaders do push up to build upper strength in their arms to be able to do stunts and work on harder stunts and some time as punishment for talking to much ( stunts are when you hold up others cheerleaders)

How many people end up in the hospital from soccer?

A lot. On average, i'd say one player per 3 games ends up in the hospital.

Why use contraception?

So you don't have to end up in a hospital having a baby.

What happens if you cook spoiled beef?

you can get sick, and end up in the hospital. do not do it!do itdont do it(:

How do you you end up in the hospital for days?

The hospital is meant to treat and release once the treated are well. To end up in the hospital for days means that you are in a condition not to be released until well enough. It is not very common for conditions and illnesses to put a person in a hospital for more than one day, because the hospitals need the extra space.

What are the release dates for Cheerleaders - 2013 Man Up 1-16?

Cheerleaders - 2013 Man Up 1-16 was released on: USA: 5 May 2013

Do Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders get paid?

Yes, Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders get payed 150 $ per game if they show up.