

What part did Michael Crawford play?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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Q: What part did Michael Crawford play?
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Who stood tn for Michael crawford in the phantom?

Steve Barton who play Raoul who was the stand in for Michael Crawford's Phantom when he was in the hospital for a hernia operation this was in LA 1990.

Is Michael crawford a tenor or a barritone?

michael crawford a tenor

What has the author Michael Crawford written?

Michael Crawford has written: 'The Fenians' -- subject(s): Fenians, History

When was Michael Crawford born?

Michael Crawford was born on January 19, 1942.

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Where can you send Michael Crawford a fan letter?

its the Michael Crawford International Fan clubs website with full contact details are in related link

What actors and actresses appeared in Michael Crawford in Concert - 1998?

The cast of Michael Crawford in Concert - 1998 includes: Michael Crawford as himself Rocky Kitamura as Chorus member Dale Kristien as herself Loyola Marymount Consort Singers as Themselves

Is Michael Crawford married now?

No. He never remarried after his divorce from Gabrielle Lewis in 1975. He's had relationships with various women through the years however since about 1991 or so he's been in pretty solid relationship with Natasha Macaller, a dancer from Los Angeles he met in Phantom of the Opera. They own a home in Long Beach, CA and Bay of Islands, New Zealand. Michael also has 2 adjoining flats near London presumably they share those as well. Natasha is a renowned pastry chef worldwide but divides her time between L.A., England, and New Zealand. As does MC.

Is Michael crawford gay?

No, but some people believe he is

Classic TV comedy that made Michael Crawford a household name?

It was called 'Some Mother's do have 'em'. Michael Crawford played the leading role as the character, 'Frank Spencer.'

When was Bobby Crawford born?

Robert Crawford - footballer - was born on 1886-07-04.

What NFL team does Tyrone Crawford play for?

Tyrone Crawford plays for the Dallas Cowboys.