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He must move the ball back to the Kick Point and there will be a scrum to the people receiving the kick. Or if the other team does get the ball then there will be an advantage to them for an undetermind amount of time.

He must move the ball back to the Kick Point and there will be a scrum to the people receiving the kick. Or if the other team does get the ball then there will be an advantage to them for an undetermind amount of time.

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Q: What options are open to a referee in rugby if the ball does not travel 10 yards in the kick off?
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Its Rugby that involves yards running and touch down. Also, American and Canadian football.

Can a referee caution a player who delays the taking of a freekick by standing less than ten yards from the ball?

Yes, because the player can either be asked to move back and do so, or stay there and not listen to the referee. If the player does not listen to the referee he/she wil be cautioned.

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The referee won't have to give anything as the ball is in play once the free kick is taken. If the ball hit an opposing player and he was not ten yards away then the referee can order a retake.

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It takes 2.045 seconds.