As of May 6, 2017, Mays is fifth on the all-time home run list with 660. He had a lifetime batting average of .302 and is one of 29 players to have 3,000 career hits.
Mays was arguably the greatest ballplayer of his generation. As an all-around ballplayer, he was superior to Mantle or Williams. He did everything well. Like Joe DiMaggio before him, Mays was an excellent fielder, a superb base runner, a great power hitter and one who retired with a lifetime batting average above .300. There have not been that many major league players who have excelled both defensively and offensively. Mays could do it all.
I want an answer to this problem for a school project!
Willie Mays
Willie Mays is a Christian.
can I get willie mays to sign his jersey
Willie Mays was born on May 6, 1931.
There are no records of Willie Mays pitching at the Major League level.
Willie Mays is still alive.
His parents were Willie Mays Sr. and Annie Elizabeth McMorris.
Willie Mays is still alive if you were talking about the baseball player.
Willie Mays -- more power and speed.
Willie Mays's birth name is Mays, Willie Howard.
Willie Mays and Willie McCovey played for many years together.. from 1959 until 1972 when Mays was traded to the New York Mets.