There have been scores of players to play quarterback for the Green Bay Packers. The most popular number for quarterback is number 10. Eleven quarterbacks have worn number 10.
Here is a (hopefully) complete list of quarterbacks and their jersey numbers:
1 - Earl "Curly" Lambeau
2 - Aaron Brooks
4 - Chuck Fusina, Brett Favre
5 - Willie Gillus, Vince Ferragamo, Don Majkowski
7 - Don Majkowski, Danny Wuerffel, J.T. O'Sullivan, Ingle Martin
8 - Anthony Dilweg, Mark Brunell
9 - Jim McMahon
10 - Babe Parilli, Dennis Claridge, Perry Moss, Bill Stevens, Frank Patrick, John Roach, Jack Concannon, Lynn Dickey, Bill Troup, Blair Kiel, Matt Flynn
11 - Rick Norton, Alan Risher, Ty Detmer, Matt Hasselbeck
12 - Zeke Bratkowski, Brian Dowling, Jim Del Gaizo, John Hadl, Lynn Dickey, Don Milan, T.J. Rubley, Craig Nall, Aaron Rodgers
13 - Don Horn, Steve Bono
14 - Earl "Curly" Lambeau
15 - Charlie Brackins, Babe Parilli, Bob Garrett, Paul Held, Bart Starr
16 - Babe Parilli, Lamar McHan, Bart Starr, Scott Hunter, Dennis Sproul, Randy Johnson, Randy Wright
17 - Lamar McHan, Jerry Tagge, David Whitehurst
18 - Tobin Rote, John Roach, Jim Zorn, Joe Shield, Mike Tomczak, Doug Pederson
19 - Carlos Brown, Bobby Douglass, Steve Pisarkewicz, Rich Campbell
20 - Earl "Curly" Lambeau
21 - John Hadl
28 - Paul Christman, Bobby Thomason
38 - Tobin Rote
39 - Stan Heath
76 - Tom O'Malley
Pleasant, ant
"The present" means "right now".
I, we, they, you write. He, she, it writes.
From 2001-presant.
yes there is
if you mean gift, it is cadeau
The correct spelling is "present" as in being physically or mentally in attendance at a certain place or event.
The best Christmas you can get is being with family.
raghava choudary
Food. Or a pack to run with.
The present tense of "struck" is "strike."