Roosevelt Colvin is 6' 3".
Roosevelt Colvin's birth name is Rosevelt Colvin III.
Roosevelt Colvin was born on September 5, 1977, in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
Roosevelt Colvin has played with the Patriots since 2003. Before that, he spent 1999-2002 with the Chicago Bears. He was a 4th round pick of the Bears in the 1999 NFL draft.
Gary Wood, a backup quarterback from 1964-1966 and 1968-1969, wore number 19 for the Giants.
Tyler Colvin wore No. 10 and No, 21 when he played for the San Francisco Giants during the 2014 season.
Jack Ham and Rosey Colvin
Shawn Colvin's birth name is Shawna Lee Colvin.
Jason Colvin's birth name is Jason Ray Colvin.
Marie Colvin's birth name is Marie Catherine Colvin.
Nothing. He is deceased