I know he wore the numbers 44, 7, & 23. As a Freshman on the Freshman team I think it was #44 bit not 100% positive. Sorry I cannot give you a definitive answer.
1972-73 season through 1973-74 season, Road uniform
number 23 like he was in the Cleveland cavaliers
Pete Rose
Pete Rose wore number 14 his entire playing career (1963-1986)
champ bailey wear number 4 at ga Champ also wore #42 his freshman year in 1996.
i think he did before he played major league ball
Yes, a female freshman in high school or college should wear a bra because by this time, the normal female body would have developed breasts.
wear the dress Bella wore.
I wore heels my freshman year and it took people a while to get use to but , they ended up liking it .. but don't worry about others if you want to wear it then wear it .
For photshoots i guess
Yes, freshman are fruity.
yes he did