The show Chip 'n' Dale Rescue Rangers first start in 1989 and ended in 1992. The show is about cartoon animated chipmunks who are leaders of a team of detectives and crime fighters.
,what nfl team is the red birds
Pink Panthers
Besides the ubiquitous Sherlock Holmes, there's Sam Spade (created by Dashiel Hammet), Hercule Poirot, and Miss Maple (both from Agatha Christie). Besides the ubiquitous Sherlock Holmes, there's Sam Spade (created by Dashiel Hammet), Hercule Poirot, and Miss Maple (both from Agatha Christie).
Heck to the no
the Midge team,
A team of police detectives and fire department personnel.
Team Rocket
The Dominate Bombinate League with Head Butt, Clueless, etc...
New England Patriots
Arizona Cardinals