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Q: What nba team has the most alley oops this year?
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What area in the US has the most record tornadoes in a year what was the number?

tornado alley is where most tornadoes are located.

What will turn fifty this year?

Me. (Oops, too late - btdt, but it -was- this year. ;)

What is the average number of tornadoes per year in tornado alley?

Tornado Alley typically gets about 800 tornadoes in a year.

How many tornadoes hit tornado alley every year?

On average, around 1,000 tornadoes are reported in Tornado Alley each year. This region, which includes parts of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota, experiences a high frequency of tornadoes due to unique atmospheric conditions.

What time of the year is tornado alley?

Tornado Alley is a region, not a time of year. Tornado season is generally considered to last April through June.

How many tornadoes hit in tornado alley each day?

The area gets 700-800 tornadoes each year, which averages to about 2 tornadoes each day. However, tornadoes do not hit Tornado Alley daily, but often occur in outbreaks. Also, tornado activity is much higher in spring and early summer than other times of year.

Would tornado alley destroy a lot of homes?

Tornado Alley itself is not destructive, but the tornadoes that frequent it can be. The tornadoes in Tornado Alley destroy many homes each year.

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How much hail does hail alley get in a year?

Hail Alley, located in the central United States, receives significant amounts of hail each year. The exact amount can vary, but some areas in Hail Alley can experience multiple hailstorms annually, contributing to its reputation as a region prone to hail events.

Is Tornado Alley always in the same place?

Tornado Alley is a region in the central United States where tornadoes are more frequent due to specific weather patterns. While the exact location can vary, it generally includes parts of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska. The boundaries may shift slightly from year to year based on weather conditions.

How many tornadoes hit Hoosier alley a year?

It is difficult to determine because like Tornado Alley, Hoosier Alley is not an officially defined region. However, If we considered it to consist of the eastern Half of Illinois, the western half of Ohio, and all of Indiana we can get a rough estimate of 60-70 tornadoes per year on average. This will of course vary from year to year.

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