

Best Answer

Rectus femoris, Gluteus medius (anterior fibers), Gluteus minimus, Adductor magnus (assists), Adductor longus (assists), Adductor brevis, (assists), Pectineus (assists), Tensor fasciae latae, Sartorius, Psoas Major, Iliacus

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Q: What muscles are used for hip flexion?
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What are the primary muscles involved in hip extension and knee flexion?

The primary muscles involved in hip extension are the gluteus maximus and the hamstrings. The primary muscles involved in knee flexion are the hamstrings and the gastrocnemius.

What is the action of the startorius muscles?

Flexion, abduction, and lateral rotation at the hip, and flexion and medial rotation at the knee.

Do all quadriceps muscles act in hip flexion and knee extension?

yesabduct the thigh

What are some effective exercises that can be performed on a multi hip machine to target the hip muscles?

Some effective exercises that can be performed on a multi hip machine to target the hip muscles include hip abduction, hip adduction, hip flexion, and hip extension. These exercises help strengthen and tone the muscles around the hips, improving stability and mobility.

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What typed of exercises are plantar flexion hip flexion hip extensions knee flexion and side leg raises?


What is the names of the hip flexors?

hip flexor

Concentric contraction of the hamstrings causes which joint action?

knee flexion and hip extension.Biceps femoris also: knee external rotation and hip external rotation.Semi tendinosus and Semi membranosus also: knee internal rotation and hip internal rotation.hamstrings eccentric contraction causes knee extension and hip flexion, whilst the antagonist muscles are passive.

Vertebral Foraminal Entrapment on Hip Flexion and Knee Extension?

Vertebral Foraminal Entrapment on Hip Flexion and Knee Extension

In which plane does hip flexion occur?

Frontal Plane about the anterioposterior axis

What muscles are involved in knee flexion?

The muscles involved in knee flexion are the hamstrings, gastrocnemius, and popliteus.

What muscles are used when doing a vertical jump?

At the ankle joint: calf - platarflexion. Anterior tibialis is inovolved in countermovement dorsiflexion. At the knee joint: quadriceps - knee extension Hamstrings are involved in the knee flextion counter movement. At the hip: hamstrings, glutes, spinal errectors - hip flexion. Hip flexors, and abdominals are involved in the initial countrer movement and the "breaking" of the hip flexion. Additional upward thrust is also provided by the shoulders during arm thrust. Hip flexors, and abdominals are involved in the initial countrer movement and the "breaking" of the hip flexion. Big toe is mostly involved in the "toe off" movement. These are the main muscles involved in movement and coutnermovements.