The wrist joint and several bones related to the joint (radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals) are necessary for dribbling a Basketball, in addition to the elbow joint. Muscles like the deltoid, bicep, and tricep are also utilized in dribbling. The hip, knee, and ankle joints are also key for running. Jumping utilizes the hamstrings, quadriceps, and gluteus Maximus. The trapezius and the deltoid, meanwhile, are the main should muscles used to shoot. Other important shooting muscles include the pectoral muscles, the hand muscles, and quadriceps.
There are muscles attached to bones, but bones do not have muscles.
The muscles that appear striped in microscope images are called skeletal muscles. All skeletal muscles are attached to bones of the body.
There are quite a few different places where you can find a picture that shows the muscles used in basketball. Many charts in basketball books in the library will have these pictures.
the muscles used in shooting a freethrow are the legs,and the arms
well the muscles sued are your tricep and bicep they conteract and relax ............................................................................................................................................. These muscles would be used along a sequence of muscle innervation. The first muscles would be the pectoralis major and the torso, then travelling along the biceps brachii, then along the extensor and flexor muscles running along the radial & ulna bones and then finally into the intricate muscles in the hands.
bones - calcium carbonate (limestone)blood - heme (iron)muscles - I can't think of one
43 "muscles" are used to frown...I'm not aware of bones used to frown
Muscles are attached by tendons and ligaments to bones.
bones - calcium carbonate (limestone)blood - heme (iron)muscles - I can't think of one
you have 640 muscles and 206 bones. Which means that you have more muscles then bones.
The muscles that are used to perform a snapshot are the quadriceps and trapezius. Other muscles that are used are external/internal obliques and the pectoralis major.