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  • The center of a Baseball is a cork ball. The cork ball is covered with rubber, then cotton and wool yarn are tightly wound around the cork and rubber center. 150 yards of cotton yarn (450 feet) and 219 yards of wool yarn (652 feet) are used to make the baseball. If the yarn was stretched out it would be longer than 3 football fields. The cover of a baseball is made out of cowhide. 2 pieces shaped like a peanut are sewn together by hand with exactly 108 stitches. The Rawlings Company makes all the baseballs for the major leagues. Baseballs are all made to be the same size and weight. They are 9 to 9 1/4 inches in circumference. They weight 5 to 5 1/4 ounces.
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12y ago

A baseball is a ball used primarily in the sport of the same name, baseball. The ball features a rubber or cork center, wrapped in yarn and covered in leather. It is 9 to 91⁄4 inches (229-235 mm) in circumference (27⁄8-3 in or 73-76 mm in diameter). The yarn or string used to wrap the baseball can be up to one mile (1 1⁄2 km) in length. Some are wrapped in a plastic like covering, while others have a leather finish.

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