Something like a white shirt with a hint of red somewhere in the design
Gold, white, or red and white will complement the blue shorts.
Red, Black or grey.
Basketball shorts were very short and skin tight in the old days of basketball, around when the game was founded. However, since that time, shorts have progressively gotten longer and more baggier.
Black undershirt black basketball shorts black shorts black basketball shoes
Jeans or Khaki shorts.
The boys in my school wear high white socks (about 5 inches) and Basketball shorts with the Reebok Zig Pro Future. And then a random shirt that matches.
Usually a jersey some basketball shorts and basketball shoes
t-shirt and shorts?
jersey and shorts
The cast of Basketball Shorts - 2008 includes: Aaron Kozak as Aaron Bernie Stern as Gale
They Sure Don't Make Basketball Shorts Like They Used To was created in 1998.