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The vast majority of Balks are called on the pitcher, but a Balk can also be called on the catcher. With runners on base, if the catcher steps out of the catcher's box before the pitcher releases the ball, it's Balk on the catcher. When this happens, it is almost always while attempting to give an intentional base on balls.

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Q: What makes a balk?
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Wesley Balk died in 2003.

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Christianne Balk was born in 1953.

How do you write balk in a sentence?

The horse will balk at jumping over that fence.She will balk at going, but you can talk her into it. You may balk at first, but you'll enjoy yourself if you come along.

How many balk calls are there?

There is only one call for a balk. When a pitcher is in the stretch and a runner or runners are on base, the pitcher must pause before throwing to homeplate. There can also be a balk called on the pitcher if he makes a move to throw out someone at first base, but doesn't actually throw the ball. (No fake throws to first allowed!) The last reason for a balk to be called is if a pitcher begins to move his front leg towards homeplate, but does not throw the ball to home. (Or simply pitch to the batter). A balk results in baserunners advancing one base.

What is a animal with no balk bone?

an animal with no balk bone is caled an invertabrate

Use a sentence with the word Balk?

The pitcher had 1 balk this game.

A balk is called with runners on base and the batter hits the ball for an out. What happens?

The balk is void if the ball is hit. Just as if there was no balk called. If your batter hits the balked pitch and grounds out then he is out. Runners advance at their own risk. This is dependent on the league that is being played. In high school, a balk is immediate meaning that if the ball is hit it means nothing and the runners all move up a base. But in some leagues, it is a delayed balk. This means that if the batter reaches base and all runners move up a base the balk is waved off. At no point does the balk benefit the defense. A balk is a punishment to deceiving the offensive players or in this case the runners. So in reality the balk at no point turns void unless the offense benefits from the play.

How can fielders choice cause a balk?

It can't ... a balk can only be committed by a pitcher.