Yes,a small cross on his left bicep as well as a CA logo scar on his right bicep.
I got there logo tattooed on me and I emailed there head quarters to only receive 4 small sugar free cans of redbull. To me not worth the lifetime commitment
It is there logo or sign. Hayley has it tattooed on left wrist. Thanks for asking:D
Tattoos gone wrong are basically ones that are going to be impossible to explain 5 years after getting it, for example your girlfriend asking why you have "Lauren" tattooed on your arm may be awkward. Well someone did this exact thing, however they were way ahead of me obviously because they went back to the tattoo parlour and had ralph tattooed just above it with the ralph laurent logo next to it, pretty sure that will be ever harder to explain.
If you're looking for a particular six figure hex # for each color, I can't help. But it's more or less a bright red on a faded white. Not sure that helps alot. When you find out exactly, I'll have it tattooed on my chest (no lie).
The crown logo in the logo quiz is likely 'Corona' the Mexican beer.
because its the smart logo
A logo artist is a person that designs a logo. It is just another name for logo designer.
There is no logo