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Q: What little league game won a perfect game?
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Which team won the 1957 Little League World Series in the movie The Perfect Game?

The Monterrey Mexico team.

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Which country won 2008 little league championship?

The United States won the little league championship in 2008. Hawaii ended up killing Mexico in the championship game.

Where are the 1957 little league baseball winners?

1957 was the first year in which the LLWS championship had a team from outside the U.S. The pitcher for Monterrey, Mexico pitched a perfect game, and his team won 4-0.

Has the national league baseball ever won a all-star game?

Yes, the National League won the 2010 All-Star Game and has won a total of 41 times to the American League's 38 (though the AL won every year from 1996-2009).

Who won all-star game?

On July 12, 2011, the National League won its second concecutive All-Star Game, defeating the American League 5-1.

Who won the 2011 all-star game?

The National League won the All Star Game with a score of 5 to 1

Who won the 2011 Little League baseball championship in Alaska?

Abbott-O-Rabbit Little League from Anchorage ... they defeated Gastineau Channel Little League of Juneau in the state finals.

Who won the all-star game 2011?

The National League

Who won the baseball all star game?

The National League

Which team won the 2008 all star game?

The 2008 MLB All Star game was won by the American League over the National League, 4-3, in 15 innings.

Will Snorlax is perfect is best for Pokemon league in firered?

i think iy is perfect for league it has gigaimpact and it can so many tms i won league and i has a lv 100 snorlax male and it has gigaimpact a gigaimpact is a move which can learn in lv 49