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Q: What kind of risk has chances for winning and losing?
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Why does the risk of developing CVD greatly increase when someone has more than one risk factor?

if the chances of winning the lottery are 1 in a 1000 and you buy 1000 tickets you have a very very good chance of winning the lottery. with CVD there aren't 1000 risk factors

How would you describe risk to someone unfamiliar with it?

Describing risk depends on what you are talking about. Standing on the edge of a cliff is a different kind of risk to losing your money in a Ponzi scheme. Hang gliding is a different kind of risk from surfing the big waves.

Will a bond's yield to maturity increase or decrease if a bond is downgraded by rating agencies?

it will increase due to increase in risk. The bigger the risk the bigger the return and of course more chances of losing big as well.

What kind of investors are risk - seeking investors?

These are the investors who are ready to take a risk of losing their capital while making investors. You can consider stock market investors as risk seeking investors because there is no guarantee of our money in the stock market. There is always a risk of losing our capital in our stock market and hence it is a risky investment.

What are the Questions asked by customer related to investment?

Some common questions are: # Risk profile - Chances of losing the investment # Returns on Investment # Investment Tenure # Reputation of the investment house # etc...

What Is the chance of losing money called?


Be honest with your friends or risk losing them?

Risk losing them. After all there are millions of people out there seeking friendship who would be glad to have you take them as their friend. No compromise.

How can I effectively manage my poker stack to maximize my chances of winning?

To effectively manage your poker stack and increase your chances of winning, it is important to practice good bankroll management. This includes setting limits on how much you are willing to risk in a single session or tournament, as well as maintaining a sufficient bankroll to handle variance. Additionally, it is crucial to make strategic decisions based on your stack size relative to the blinds and your opponents' tendencies. By playing conservatively when necessary and taking calculated risks, you can optimize your chances of success in poker.

How can I effectively manage my poker stacks to maximize my chances of winning?

To effectively manage your poker stacks and increase your chances of winning, it is important to practice good bankroll management. This involves setting limits on how much you are willing to risk in a single game or session, as well as maintaining a proper balance between your buy-ins and the stakes you are playing at. Additionally, it is crucial to make strategic decisions based on your stack size relative to the blinds and your opponents' tendencies. By staying disciplined and making informed decisions, you can optimize your chances of success in poker.

What does willing to risk mean?

Being willing to risk means being prepared to take chances or face potential negative outcomes in pursuit of a goal or desired outcome. It involves being open to uncertainty and accepting the possibility of failure in order to achieve success.

What does Buddhism say about gambling?

There is no specific statement in Buddhism about gambling, but, from my training, I would think that gambling is a form of desire for wealth and risk taking. therefore you should look at your motivation for why you want to gamble and what changes winning or losing might have in your life.