Chicklet Gum, (raspberry flavored) it was a special kind of gum that he loved since he was a child.
Watermelon bubblicous, Big League Chews “Hang Time”, and spearmint from a company based out of Chicago. His favorite was the watermelon bubbleicous though.
orbit,5 gum
It just means gum... that you can chew. Or if you mean it a different way, it means that you're muching on gum.
Don't chew gum eat a peppermint! whoevea wrote this i think that you should chew peppermint gum for u information!
Nicotine Gum
A train made from gum is a Chew Chew train get it a CHEW CHEW train.
chew gum chew gum
Sniper is the best gum in the whole world well, i like 5 gum, and mentos gum :) xx
Bubble gum comes under this category. You can chew bubble gum for a long time
It is said that John Mayer chews Stride gum, but it is not secure if this is true information.
Blubber gum
"Chew on This: The Longest-Lasting Bubble Gum Flavors"
You can't even have a permit to chew it, its completely illegal to chew gum