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Just regular air.

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The kind you are breathing

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A pump

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Q: What kind of air does a basketball have?
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Related questions

What does the air in a basketball do?

The air in a basketball lets the basketball bounce.

What kind of solid is a basketball?

The basketball itself is in a solid state of matter and the air inside of it is in a gaseous state of matter.

Does it matter what kind of shoes you wear in basketball?

The kind of shoes you should wear for basketball are basketball shoes.

It pops because of how much air there is in. The air takes over and makes the basketball rip. Too much air can cause a reaction to the basketball. Why does a basketball pop?

a basketball is kinda like a ballon if it has to much air it pops

Need a sentence with the word basketball?

The basketball needed air. We played a game of basketball.

What kind of basketball do they use in college basketball?

A Regular 1.................

Is a basketball a gas?

both because Basketball is hard and it air.

Does a full basketball weigh the same as a flat basketball?

No, because the full basketball includes the mass of the air, unless you don't include the air, then they are the same.

Why does a basketball need to be filled with air?

Well, friend, when a basketball is filled with air, it becomes bouncy and easier to dribble and shoot. The air inside the ball helps it keep its shape and bounce back when it hits the ground. Just like adding a little sunshine to a painting, filling a basketball with air brings it to life and makes it ready for a fun game on the court.

How much does a basketball weigh with and without air?

How much a basketball weighs depends on the size of the ball. A regular size 29.5 inch basketball weighs 22 ounces with air and without air.

Is normal air in a basketball?

No No No!!!!!!!!

What kind of basketball best for outdoor basketball court?

an orange one