Airline Pilot
Occasionally Advertising Sales(mostly not)
club owner
Nurse Anesthetist
Sales Director
Finance Director
Software Architect
Insurance Broker
jobs that pay $100,000 a year
A television reporter's income will mainly depend on the area they are working it. For example, a job in Miami, Florida can earn you anywhere from twenty five thousand to over one hundred thousand dollars a year. Where a job in Los Angeles can pay over two hundred thousand dollars a year.
There are 52 weeks in a year. (52 × 5) × 1000 = 260,000 (two hundred and sixty thousand dollars).
Printing press operator at the US Mint.
Most people think that the pro-athlete is the highest paid in the sports world, and they would be correct! Most pro-athletes average between 1.75 million to 5.2 million a year. But lets not forget that there is more to sports than just the athletes. The top 10 highest paying sports jobs are the sports medicine doctor who averages three-hundred and fifty thousand plus dollars a year. A sports manager usually earns two-hundred thousand dollars on average a year. Your sports agent is the next on the list at the average of eighty-eight thousand dollars a year. Sports communications manager then weighs in at a average of eighty-seven thousand dollars a year. With all the injuries that the pro-athletes acquire it is not a surprise that a sports physical therapist averages seventy-six thousand dollars a year. At the yearly average of seventy-two thousand dollars a year the sports statistician comes in at number seven. A sports psychologist is next on the list with the earnings of about sixty-nine thousand dollars. Your teams coaches only make on the average sixty-three thousand a year. And then last but not lest is the sports broadcaster who earns around thirty-six thousand dollars a year.
Generally senior positions will earn up to one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars a year.Starting salaries are about fifty five thousand dollars.
after 1 year a hundred dollars was worth one hundred and fifty dollars.
One thousand one hundred and ninety-two --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...or if it refers to a year eleven hundred and ninety-two or eleven ninety-two.
One can find data manager jobs in the US by going to sites like Monster dot com and Indeed dot com. Clinical data manger in the US makes an average of a hundred thousand dollars a year.
The starting salary for a NASA astronaut is around $65,000 per year. Additional payments are made for spaceflights and training.
The number 103 is spelled out in words as one hundred and three.
no pediatrician makes one billion dollars a year. more like approximately one hundred thousand.