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The game, although a very close team game requires many different individual skills which are vital to the success of the team.

Depending on the position you play will depend on what special skills you need to work on and develop.

First and foremost is stamina - a game of high impact tackles will need huge amounts of stamina to allow you to stay on the field for at least 80 minutes - Training in running, sprinting short and long burst is essential. Then you have the ball handling skills - Again depending n the position will depend on what type of ball skill is require. example A scrumhalf will need to be able to pass long and short distances left and right of their body plus of course basic box kicks used to gain advantage when used in the base of scrums ,

lineouts and rucks/mauls.

Find games on line and TV, watch the senior team players using techniques and develop those yourself. Look for the tactical positioning of the players in the same position as you want to play and see how they take out opposing plays (legally). Rugby although thuggish is very tactical and requires vision similar to that of a Chess player. where you can almost force an opponent in to making mistakes when under pressure.

There are of course many physical techniques required especially in the forward. Props and hooks need huge amounts of physical strength to maintain their position when "packing down". Techniques in ripping the ball from an opponents grasp are vital to gain possession. Lift and supporting in line outs is a vital skill - teams such as Wales have lost massive possession advantage by mis-timing line out jumps.

Theses are of course example to give you an idea of what is require to improve.

One of the worlds best tactical wing forwards (flankers) is Martin Williams of Wales and Cardiff Blues. Recognised by his counterparts across the senior level world Martin has learned the rules of the game to the letter. He will take every advantage to take a rule to the end of its envelope and use that knowledge to gain important advantage. Access the IRB website and read the rules of the game. Then you will have some advantage on those who do not know them.

Finally practice every opportunity, train often. Last but not least - list to referees and don't argue. One point at has graced the game is the respect shown to referees in the game of rugby in both codes. See in recent soccer world cups matches (sadly) when referees and barge and confronted by groups of player. This is never acceptable in the great game of rugby. Listen to player in senior matches you frequently will hear them speak to the referee calling then sir (or madam) The captains role is to question a decision not the players as a 10 metre retreat for arguing is a painful lesson when a score is made. Being sin-binned even worse. Most of all enjoy the game as it is said " Rugby is a thugs game played by gentlemen (and ladies now of course).

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14y ago

Get as many trys/goals as possible

The focus of the game in both codes is to score points by either trys, drop gaols penalty goals of converted trys. The team with the most points at the end of play wins the game.

For more information on the Union code look at the IRB website as well as there is a huge amount of information regarding rules and regulations that can help you understand the game. There is also a NRL (League) site if that is your preferred game

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11y ago

Rugby is a very physically demanding sport. Different positions require specific skills. The forwards are usually larger in height and weight with more overall bulk and strength to act as a first, strong line of defense while the backs like a fullback tend to be smaller in height but it is necessary that they are fast runners with quick reflexes to take the ball for a try.

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15y ago

Teamwork, Experience, Creativity, Devotion, Dedication

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14y ago

It games more points than its opposing team. This is dome by scoring trys, goal conversions, penalty kicks, drop goals

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