The zip code for East Chicago, Indiana is 46312.
60202 is not a Chicago zip code. It is one of the zip codes for Evanston, IL.
60011 is the zip
Chicago has many zip codes.
The south side of Chicago has many zip codes. Without an address or intersection a zip code cannot be determined.
The zip code for Bob White, West Virginia, is 25028.
The zip-code for the White House is 20500 - Mark B. Delano
The ZIP code at the White House is 20500.
"Chicago 37" could refer to an archaic term for a zip code in Chicago. Zip codes used to be written as, "Chicago, 37, Illinois".
Chicago has dozens of zip codes. Check the USPS website for an exact one for the part of Chicago you're most interested in. One downtown zip code that is easy to remember (and is also the zip code for the Willis Tower) is 60606.
Bronx, NY 10451
The ZIP code for the White House is 20500.