Value of reflect painting
The value of a Tom Keating painting is $20,000.
A value is not assessed as the painting is not for sale.
I have a painting by Charles T. Garo and would like to know its' value.
The exact value of a can painting by Janicotte would actually depend on a couple different things. Some of these things would include the age and condition of the painting.
The value of a painting by Edward Dyer would actually be dependent upon a number of factors. Some of these factors would be, which specific painting and condition.
I think I have the orignal painting of Tretchikoff's Chrysanthemum
Loren Dean's birth name is Loren Dean Jovicic.
It depends on the painting. In order to determine the value of the painting, it is best to take the painting to an art dealer for a quote.
value of painting by Durane R. Probus Good Catch