348 times
The world record for bouncing a ball off a wall consecutively is held by Kevin Shelley with 1586 bounces in 2016.
12 feet
Well, darling, the word you're looking for is "world," not "word." And the record for the longest time bouncing a ball is a whopping 26 hours and 12 minutes. Can you imagine the dedication and determination it takes to bounce a ball for that long? I can barely keep a straight face for 26 minutes!
11000 times approx...
The world record for bouncing a ball on the ground in one minute is 334 times, achieved by Ashrita Furman (USA) in 2019.
2376!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm a BEAST!!!!!!!!!!!
it was in Guiness book of World Records 2009. It is 55593934975891 times
The record for bouncing on an exercise ball is held by Ashrita Furman, who bounced on an exercise ball for 8 hours and 2 seconds in 2010.
No, although the Romans had many ball games, they were either throwing or bouncing types of games. There is no record of them having any kicking type of ball game. Our modern soccer was invented in the 1860's.
the juggling record is 11.