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"Its a hockey puck :L" was the last answer. Whoever said this doesn't understand that there are other kinds of hockey that use a ball. For instance Field Hockey which is one of the most followed sports globally, or dek hockey. But I can't say much about the weight of dek or field balls. I know that dek ones vary in density for the temperature they're made for, so odds are the weight is different depending on temperature level.

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14y ago
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13y ago

The standard weight of a hockey ball ranges between 156 to 163 grammes.

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16y ago

a couple pounds

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4y ago

5.5 KG

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Is there a specific bounce height for a field hockey ball?

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Yes ice hockey ball is black

What is a hockey ball made off?

It's Called a Hockey Puck not Ball. Plus The Hockey pucks are made of Rubber.

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Do they use pucks in field hockey?

In field hockey, the ball is normally white, dimpled, made of hard plastic and around the size of a fist; most are hollow to achieve the correct weight. In ice hockey, a puck is used instead. It is normally black, smooth and made of hard solid rubber.

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Terry Ball - ice hockey - was born on 1944-11-29.

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Is Hockey in the Olympics?

The game Ice hockey is in the Winter Olympics. But ball hockey is not in any Olympics

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Curved, light-weight hockey sticks are the best.