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If you pick up your pivot foot, it is travelling.

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Q: What is the violation name for a pivot foot?
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Is picking up your pivot foot a violation in basketball?


Is it a traveling violation if a player with the ball starts to pass then loses control of it then catches it while keeping his pivot foot in place?

If you stopped dribbling the ball & trying to pass it & losses control of it (ball dropped from your hand & you picked it up again) its a double dribble violation even if your pivot foot didn't move. But if a ball is coming from a pass & accidentally drop the ball & u pass it then its not a violation!

Why is the name pivot given for pivot joints?

Pivot means to turn. A dancer can turn on 1 foot. You can turn on your foot look behind you. Your pivot joints is between the first and second cervical vertebrae (neck). This joint allows you to turn your head.

When do you establish a pivot foot in basketball?

If you get the ball or stop your dribble and pick up or move one foot, the foot that stays still is your pivot foot. If you were to pick up your pivot foot it is a walk.

If a player moves his pivot foot while in possession of the ball what violation is called?

A travel is called. You can move one foot while the ball is in your hands and you have not dribbled. Moving two will result in a travel.

What does pivot mean in karate?

Pivot is to turn. You typically pivot on the ball of your foot.

When do you use a pivot foot?

after you have dribbled and have come to a 2- foot- jump stop you are no longer allowed to move. whatever foot you you keep down is your pivot foot.

A floor violation when the ball handler takes too many steps without dribbling is called?

traveling the point guard can't move his pivot foot until the ball bounces

True or false. You can pivot on both feet in basketball?

True and false. You can pivot with both feet, but not at the same time.For instance, you could be driving towards the basket and then stop on your right foot, using that pivot foot. On the next possession, you may stop on your left foot, using that as your pivot foot.However, you may not start using one pivot foot and switch to the other at one time. That is traveling.

Can you pick up your pivot foot if you haven't taken any steps?

Just as long as you don't move your other foot, then the foot you have planted on the ground will be your pivot DON'T MOVE IT. Your foot won't become your pivot until you move the OTHER foot. So for example your teammate gives you the ball. You decide to move your right foot. As long as you keep you left foot (pivot foot) planted, and don't move it you won't travel.

What is a pivot foot n basketball?

the foot that stays on the ground

Must a pitcher have both feet on the pitchers plate?

The pitcher must have his pivot foot touching the pitching rubber when he starts his windup. A right handers pivot foot is the right foot and a left handers pivot foot is the left foot.