The Minnesota Vikings have an all-time playoff record of 3-4 versus the Dallas Cowboys.
12 times. The Vikings have won eight, the Bills have won four.
It is usually at about 1am, which is Sunday morning.
The Vikings franchise record is 362 wins, 290 losses, and 9 ties.
The Vikings' all-time record against the Bears entering 2011 is 52 wins, 45 losses, and two ties.
10:17pm central time
New Years fell on a Sunday on the night before the year of 2012.
Sunday at night time
6:20 Sunday night
A total of 2 days of the week, but you are only staying one night out of those 2 days. For instance, you go out of town for the weekend (Saturday and Sunday) and you arrive back home before nightfall on Sunday. That means you were out of town Saturday during day time and night time, and Sunday during the day only.