Happy reading. .~_~. The Divine Comedy-Dante Great Poetry of the English Language Paradise Lost/Paradise Regained-Milton The Odyssey-Homer The Illiad-Homer Faust/The Sorrows of Young Werther-Goethe The Complete Tragedies-Shakespeare The Complete Histories/Poems-Shakespeare The Complete Comedies-Shakespeare Stories/Poems-Poe The American-James A Tale of Two Cities-Dickens Red Badge od Courage/ Stories-Crane The Moonstone-Collins Crime and Punishment-Dostoyevsky The Idiot-Dostoyevsky Moby Dick-Melville Madame Bovary-Flaubert Don Quixote-Cervantes Jane Eyre-Bronte Ana Karenina-Tolstoy Walden-Thoreau Vanity Fair-Thackery Ivanhoe-Scott Pride and Prejudice-Austen Short Storied-Maupassant Joseph Andrews-Fielding Wuthering Heights-Bronte The Way of All Fresh-Butler The House of Seven Gables-HawthorneThe Scarlet Letter-Hawthorne Robinson Crusoe-DefoeLives of Ten Noble Greeks and Romans-Plutarch The Republic-Plato Pensees-Pascal Boswell's Life of Dr. Johnson Autobiography of Benvento Cellini Classical Literature of Asia Basic Documents of American History Essays-MontaigneAutobiography of Benjamin Franklin The Age of the Fable-Bulfinch Politics/Poetics-Aristotle Essays- Emerson An Invitaton to Great Reding-Zulli Gulliver's Travels-Swift Pere Goriot-Balzac The Pilgrim's Progress- Bunyan The Prince-Machiavelli The Courtier- Castiglione added April 4th/09
(I own this collection (and doubles of some )and this one was missing from the list above) Huckleberry Finn ~ Mark Twain
The worlds greatest dancer is Hrithik Roshan
The worlds greatest landmark is Eiffel Tower
The worlds greatest pop group is the Beatles.
yes he was one of the worlds greatest skier
yes he was one of the worlds greatest skier
yes he was one of the worlds greatest skier
Terry Linen- Worlds Greatest
on 4music says by voting the worlds greatest pop star is Beyonce Knowles
Cadillac is one of the worlds best cars. Is it the worlds greatest? IMO no.
yes he was one of the worlds greatest skier
The circle.
mountain dew